Syner... what?

Pronounced: sy•ner•gics (sĭ-nûr′jĭks)

In practice... the simultaneous action of separate contributing agencies,
which together have a greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.

Synergics Corporation is best known for Accelerated Commercialization®,
proven systematic approaches for more rapid business development, innovation and growth.
These methods have consistently enabled clientele to find, formulate and develop new business
from new or underexploited assets or to develop complex integrated projects in an accelerated manner.
Whether employing Summit-Forum℠ or Explore Discover℠ based approaches,
reduced time to new customers, markets, sales, solutions, alliances...
"commercialization" is a characterization of the results.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our web site.
The material contained here is best read as an invitation to explore, by phone
or even face-to-face, what Synergics can do for you and what we can do together.
We hope you will review it in that spirit.